unlock the future


Stay ahead of consumer trends with real-time predictive analytics

61 Billion

Data Points




Global coverage. Local perspective.

A platform your entire
team can use

Our platform has 61,000,000,000 data points
accumulated from 24 countries
in 18 different languages

Get game-changing insights
backed by our patented technology

foresight engine


Foresight Engine

Foresight Engine helps brands discover emerging trends using a consumer lens of more than 61 Bn data points.


Concept Genie

Dramatically accelerate your innovation process by generating fresh new product concepts based on identified trends.


Screen Winner

It enables brands to virtually screen concepts and evaluate their merit based on consumers’ preferences and brand competition.


Food GPT

Your F&B trained AI co-pilot to help you in the end-to-end process of identifying emerging trends, developing creative concepts, and testing concepts efficiently and rapidly. In addition to the Ai Palette proprietary data, you can also integrate your own data sources with FoodGPT.


Dive deep into the world of textual & emoji data with AI Palette's advanced NLP capabilities. Extract meaningful insights from billions of data points across multiple languages, ensuring that no trend or consumer insight goes unnoticed.

Computer Vision

Beyond text and emojis, AI Palette's computer vision technology allows brands to visually analyze food & beverage trends. From packaging designs to foodservice menus, get a comprehensive view of what's catching the consumer's eye.

Generative AI

Push the boundaries of innovation with AI Palette's Generative AI. Generate new product ideas, flavor combinations, and packaging designs that resonate with current consumer preferences and trends.

Predictive Analytics

Stay ahead of the curve with AI Palette's predictive analytics tools. Predict the trajectory of food & beverage trends, allowing brands to make informed decisions and capitalize on upcoming market shifts.

Reinforcement Learning

Harness the power of our patented technology that enables systems to make decisions by identifying top ranking concepts and optimizing for the best outcomes over time.

Wondering how our AI tools are helping the biggest CPG brands across the world?